The English Program of Sarakhampittayakhom school will be hosting a 3-day Seminar for EP and MEP Teachers and Administrators from different schools in the Northeastern Region (Isaan). The seminar is entitled “Teach to Reach 2014” and the topic is about “English Language Development Across the EP/MEP curriculum.” This seminar will feature special guest speakers...
Mathayom 3 Fieldtrip to Nong Khai
EP Open House Party 2014
By Dominic Anacion The English Program held its annual Open House Party for this school year on March 12, 2014 at the Sarakhampittayakhom School open grounds. This year’s theme and featured musical was Shakespeare’s famous tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet.” The event started at 6pm with musical performances by EP students particularly from the Mathayom...
EP Open House Party 2014 Video
Announcement of Admissions for Mathayom 4
Announcement of Admissions for Mathayom 1
EP Fieldtrip to Khorat 2014
On February 20, 2014, the English Program had a fieldtrip to Nakhon Ratchasima province for an educational tour at the Khorat Fossil Museum. The students were able to see, explore and discover about a lot of prehistoric creatures and organisms. They took pictures and saw the life size models of various dinosaurs as well...
Final Tests Schedule for Semester 2 SY 2013
EP Annual Magazine 2013/2556
Each year the English Program releases its Annual Newsletter, but there was a big delay for last year’s issue because of technical problems, which is the loss of our database of Photos. But thanks to some students who were able to contribute photos of school year 2012/2555, we were able to finish the newsletter....
Admission for SY 2557/2014
Click on image below to zoom in....